(Secure) MultiParty Computation
Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Distributed Ledger Technology
Data gets encrypted, great! But we need to be able to work on it!
Your use cases with our discovery tools and support.
Find out what others do with MPC and FHE. International and local.
Report and talk about your ideas, maybe we can realize?
Behind every good technology, there is some reasoning
Business Cases help understand how to create business value with COEDs, on the basis of multiple use cases we look into the impact on the overall or dedicated business. In the hands-on technology we explain the technology, its system impact and how to use the sandbox, the interfaces and code.
The COED Campus allows the basic understandings
for Business Managers, Technology Architects & Developers
COED is a COOCK project, supported by VLAIO
Idea is to help innovate with collective tools
Our Community Events will be mainly in Flanders, but we'll be using the CloudSecurityAlliance Circle Platform to keep the conversation on an international level. After registering for an account search the COED chapter.
COED allows for security hardening of existing data flows, and allows for new opportunities to be considered. There are logical and physical limitations, which we'll address;